Let's Talk Colon Cleanse

What's the deal with colon cleansing anyway? Why are so many Americans interested in this rather unorthodox therapy for the body and why should I do it?
Well, colon cleansing is a detox for your body and a fresh start for your system. You can fix a car. You can restart a computer. Wouldn't it be great if you could do the same for your body?
Welcome to the colon cleanse, folks - a chance to purge your digestive system of the toxins that build up in the colon and leak into the blood stream. New start, new you.
Yet, you've just got one body to go through this life. Your health counts for something. And with the proliferation of faulty and sometimes dangerous colon cleanse products and systems, you'd do well to know more about colon cleansing and what to look for. The best colon cleanse system for your money and well-being? Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse. We'll get to that.

Your Colon

The colon is the last stop in your digestive system for nutrients before they're expelled. Most nutrients have been absorbed at the point, though bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed material occurs here.
The issue is that your digestive system is a collection of tissues and microflora that are easily irritated - particularly with the nutrient deficiencies and unhealthy diets of today's modern, fast-paced lifestyle.
The combination of other factors, including stress, lack of exercise and obesity can cause build-up of harmful toxins in the colon that "leak" into the blood stream.
And there's another issue. The lining of your gastrointestinal system is prone to inflammation. This triggers a series of problems, from poor nutrient absorption to gas and constipation, fatigue, illness and weight gain. Yet perhaps most disturbing: new studies link build up of harmful bacteria in the colon to increased risk of colorectal cancer. Yikes.

About Colon Cleansing

The benefits of colon cleansing are vast and numerous. They include:
  • mental clarity
  • better skin condition
  • improved immune system
  • less gas and constipation
  • weight management
For those looking to change their diet, cut out fat and excess carbs, shed fat or otherwise make healthy changes to their lifestyle, colon cleansing is an effective way to detoxify the body and start over.
Of course, it's not always that simple. The colon cleanse process is comprehensive and can stress the body, particularly if you're used to large meals or carry more pounds than you should.
Make no mistake - you want to eat healthy, and live an active life. But if you're interested in colon cleansing and the benefits it offers, be aware that many colon cleanse systems are little more than harsh laxatives that blast feces out of the colon, and in the process, trigger worse inflammation of the GI tract and upset the balance of microflora within the gut.

Your Play: Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse

If you've read this far, you're obviously interested in colon cleansing and the many benefits it will provide for your health. Yet, you know that many, if not most colon cleanse systems are dangerous. Your next move? Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse.
Consider that Intensive Colon Cleanse is a slow, natural therapy for your body. There are no drugs involved. Instead, gentle, natural laxatives, including pysllium husk, magnesium, brown rice fiber.
Digestive Science employs the power of nature with the latest in digestive research. Knowing what we do about the GI system, we've formulated Intensive Colon Cleanse to nurture the body, slower. We're not in a race to beat up your body, as most colon cleansers are. Rather, a gentle, ten day cleanse, to allow your body time to detoxify and prepare for the next steps.
About that other issue we've talked about - inflammation of the GI tract. Intensive Colon Cleanse is strategically formulated to soothe such inflammation, with proven natural ingredients that calm the tissue and optimize your colon for health and vitality. Healthy colon, healthy system. Less gas and constipation. Excess fat melts away. You're lookin' good and you feel amazing.
And if you're really looking to re-invigorate your digestive system, check out the Maximum Digestion Probiotic and Daily Digestion Support supplements, both of which work synergistically with Intensive Colon Cleanse for ongoing digestive health and maximum benefits to your well-being and quality of life.

How to Choose a Colon Cleanse System

You can restart a computer. You can turn your coffee maker on in the morning. Wouldn't it be great if you could flick a switch and turn your body back on again, for a fresh start and with better health?
A growing number of Americans do just that. Colon cleansing is an umbrella term for the various therapies and products that detoxify the body of harmful substances that accumulate in the colon and "leak" into the bloodstream. Among the cleanse systems to choose from: laxatives, dietary supplements and hydrotherapy, better known as the enema.
While the benefits of colon cleansing are extensive, your health comes first, and with the amount of laxative-based systems that can damage the body and do more harm than good, it's important to understand the colon cleanse process and know what to look for and what to avoid.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

While techniques vary, colon cleanse systems share a similar purpose. As you can probably guess, that purpose is to cleanse the colon and detoxify the body.
Done correctly, an effective colon cleanse offers a variety of benefits, both mental and physical. They include:
  • elimination of harmful parasites and toxins
  • healthy weight management
  • reduction of food cravings
  • less gas, constipation, diarrhea and bloating
  • better skin condition
  • mental focus and more energy
That's not an exhaustive list - colon cleansing has far-reaching benefits that can vary from person to person. But it provides a tantalizing glimpse of what's possible with a colon cleanse and answers the question that you can indeed "restart" the human body.
So what's the catch...?

Buyer Beware

Your health isn't something to take lightly. And unfortunately most, yes, most, colon cleanse systems are either harsh laxatives, fad diets, intrusive medical procedures and/or otherwise faulty products that aggravate the gastrointestinal system and can make health worse off than before.
Not to worry, it's not all doom and gloom. There are effective colon cleanse systems. Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is one of them. But first, let's review the various types of colon cleanse systems available to you. And what to avoid, and what to look for.
You should also know that the gastrointestinal system is a delicate creature that's prone to inflammation. What happens then? Toxic substances "leak" from the GI tract and enter the bloodstream. You suffer from poor nutrient absorption and your liver works overtime to compensate for the toxins that the colon doesn't eliminate. Constipation, indigestion, head aches, fatigue...

What to Avoid

An effective colon cleanse system should reduce such inflammation and gently nurture the colon with laxatives that don't anger the system. Unfortunately, this limits your choices, among which are:
Laxatives - The default product for people looking for relief for constipation, laxatives can kill the probiotics - friendly bacteria that occur naturally in the gut - that eliminate harmful bacteria like salmonella. Laxatives can also cause dependence and further inflame the GI tract, making symptoms worse. The worst offenders? Stimulant laxatives. Avoid.
Hydrotherapy - An intrusive and potentially dangerous way to find relief, hydrotherapy involves a therapist who inserts a plastic tube into your rectum, through which warm water empties the large intestine of contents. Hazards of this approach? Infections, heart failure, and in rare cases, death. Hydrotherapy is so controversial that the practice is banned in California. And it's disgusting.
A Cleanse Diet - One of the more popular forms of colon cleansing, fad diets starve the body of essential vitamins and nutrients and come with a concerning list of side effects, from extreme weight loss to diarrhea. Such diets stress the body, upset the balance of microflora in your system and, frankly, put your health in jeopardy.

What to Look For

Now that we've established that most colon cleanse systems and products are potentially harmful, let's review another option. Natural colon cleansing is a gentle process, preferably over time, that detoxifies the body with natural ingredients and without harsh laxatives or probing anal tubes (thank you for that!).
Remember how we talked about the GI tract and that it's easily aggravated? A natural cleanse system should calm the delicate lining of the GI tract with vitamins and minerals that soothe inflammation. There are laxatives involved, but they're natural, like psyllium husk and magnesium, and they don't upset the balance of microflora in the gut.
Be aware that the toxins in your colon didn't develop over night. And any attempt to cleanse your system and detoxify the body should be gentle, and slow, at a week or longer. Detoxify the colon, purify the body. Breat

Why Should I Try Intensive Colon Cleanse?

Colon cleansing refers to a system that detoxifies the body of built-up harmful substances that can leak from the gastrointestinal system.
Most often, colon cleansing is a process to cleanse the colon of accumulated feces. This process is based on the ancient belief of "auto-intoxification", which outlines that feces might build up in the colon and "leak" into the blood stream, producing symptoms like weight gain, lethargy, digestion problems and general poor health.
The theory of auto-intoxification was debunked early in the 20th century. But colon cleansing is an integral part of preparation for a colonoscopy, to scan for precancerous polyps within the colon. Moreover, colon cleansing may serve an even more important function than once believed, though it has nothing to do with rotting feces in the bowel.
The significance of colon-cleansing is that it may reduce inflammation of the delicate lining of the GI tract. When inflamed, this can start a vicious cycle of food allergies, digestion problems, poor nutrient absorption, with lethargy, poor mental focus, skin condition and visibly ill health.
An effective colon cleanse shouldn't blast feces out of the colon. Rather, it should nurture the GI tract, with nutrients that calm the digestive system and help it recuperate, restore a healthy balance of microflora in the intestines and provide support for ongoing digestive health.
Many colon cleansing systems are little more than harsh laxatives based on the myth of auto-intoxification that alter the balance of microflora in the gut. They're unsafe and can cause a variety of health issues, including nausea, GI infections, and even dependance on laxatives to go to the bathroom!
Having said that, the benefits of an effective colon cleanse system, that treats inflammation of the GI tract rather than one that milks the auto-intoxification myth, are documented and far-reaching.
Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is a natural process to detoxify the body of the symptoms caused by GI inflammation.
Unlike most colon cleanse systems, Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is formulated to soothe the delicate constitution of the GI tract, with herbals, probiotics and ongoing digestive support with fiber and the super-food "chia".
In short, it's a "restart" button, for you digestion, your health and your well-being!
Step one is the Intensive Colon Cleanse – a ten day daily supplement of high-quality fibers and nutrients. Notably, it also includes gentle laxatives, to halt the symptoms of bad digestion, including gas, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Step two is the Maximum Digestion Probiotic. This is a daily supplement of ten strains of probiotics, aka the "friendly" bacteria that occur naturally in the gut. Probiotics reduce the bad bacteria that can cause digestion problems and are ideal for relief from pain and discomfort.
Step three is the Daily Digestion Support once-a-day fiber supplement with the super-food "chia". Digestive health is an ongoing journey, and equipped with this third step you're on your way to lasting relief.
Plan on making some dietary adjustments during the process. Common sense adjustments actually, including more fruit, low-fat dairy, fish and nuts and plenty of water consumption.
At the same time, we recommend you limit intake of trans fats, sugar and processed foods.
Good digestion is a journey. Believe us, you will be rewarded! All backed by the Digestive Science guarantee of satisfaction. Try Intensive Colon Cleanse and if you're not happy, simply return it within 90 days for a full refund minus shipping and handling.
Having said that, we doubt you'll return Intensive Colon Cleanse, because judging from the feedback we've received from our clients, you'll be free of digestive problems, have more energy, mental focus and have a smile from ear-to-ear!
h deep. There's hope on the way.
This narrows your choices down considerably. In fact, we're down to one. The best colon cleanse system? Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse. Also known as that 'restart' button for your body and mind.

The Pros of Probiotics

You know how it's sometimes necessary to change the oil in your car? Well, it turns out your body is a lot like that people-mover sitting in your drive way. Take care of it, with regular check-ups. Watch what you put in to your body for fuel. And when it's time for an oil change, include probiotics.
Did that last point catch you off-guard? Don't sweat it. Probiotics are the "friendly" bacteria that occur naturally in the gut. These beneficial little guys maintain balance in your gastrointestinal system and eliminate dangerous bacteria like salmonella. New studies link them to reduced inflammation of the GI tract - one of the reasons why people colon cleanse in the first place.
And if you're in the market for a colon cleanse system with probiotics, consider Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse. Details forthcoming.

Colon Cleansing?

You've heard of this one. Colon cleansing refers to products or techniques that purge the digestive system of toxins that accumulate in the colon and leak into the blood stream. Benefits include:
  • less constipation and diarrhea
  • more energy
  • mental focus
  • better nutrient absorption
  • healthy weight management
  • skin that glows
Having said these things, all colon cleanse systems are not equal. Most, yes, most colon cleansers are little more than harsh laxatives that blast feces out of the colon. In the process, they upset the balance of good and bad microflora in the gut, and simply make symptoms worse.
Colon cleansing is a comprehensive therapy, for your body and your mind. In some cases, in which patients choose an ineffective system, people have been hospitalized.
Make no mistake, you should do a colon cleanse. But it pays to do your homework before you choose a colon cleanse system. Specifically, a colon cleanse should be a natural formulation and reduce inflammation of the delicate lining of the GI tract. And probiotics? Let's get to that.

Probiotics May Reduce Inflammation

According to a new study, conducted by researchers from University College Cork in Ireland, probiotics may lower levels of inflammation in the GI tract. Such inflammation is linked to psoriasis, ulcerative colitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
In the study, patients with one of these aforementioned ailments took the probiotic bacteria B. infantis for eight weeks. The researchers also gave the probiotics to healthy patients. Similarly, they gave a placebo to the ailment-stricken and healthy patients. In both cases, the results were clear: probiotics reduced inflammation.
Research is ongoing, of course, and it's unclear which strains of probiotics may treat specific ailments, or at what dose. But it's encouraging to know that probiotics may treat chronic inflammation, linked to pain and sometimes life-threatening conditions. More commonly, probiotics may reduce the same inflammation responsible for diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and bad digestion.

Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse

Let's summarize what we've learned thus far. Colon cleansing serves an important function for your digestive system and overall health. And yet most colon cleanse systems are harsh laxatives that alter the constitution of the GI system and simply make symptoms of bad digestion worse.
Similarly, new studies link probiotics to reduced inflammation of the GI tract. In patients with ailments like fatigue and psoriasis, the improvement was especially remarkable, though probiotics reduced inflammation in healthy patients as well.
Therefore, if you're interested in colon cleansing, you should look for a natural system

Restart Your Digestion With Intensive Colon Cleanse

You can restart a computer. You can change the oil in your car. And you've heard the benefits of the famous colon cleanse. Are they legitimate? Yes. But not for the reasons you've heard.
What's the interest in colon cleansing? Well, it's a chance to restart your digestion, boost your health and even improve clarity and your frame of mind. As the old wives tales say it, the feces that aren't expelled naturally build up in your colon. Then toxins from these feces enter the bloodstream and "poison" the body. You get digestion problems. You feel lethargic. You're irritable. Life sucks.
That's the theory of auto-intoxification, and it's disproven by science. Yet the symptoms persist, including fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, weight gain and sluggish digestion. Look familiar? They're the symptoms once associated with auto-intoxification. They're actually caused by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. And they can be dangerous.
Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is a safe and natural way to detoxify the body and revitalize your digestive system. Yes, you can restart your body, just like you've heard. But you've got to do it within a safe system that walks you through the process and nurtures the delicate lining of the GI tract.
How does it work? Glad you asked.
First, let's clarify that the symptoms associated with auto-intoxification – bad digestion, lethargy, gas and constipation to name a few – are actually caused by inflammation of the GI tract. When that happens, cells separate within the gut and "leak" toxins into the bloodstream that would normally be blocked. Same idea as auto-intoxification, but with a different mechanism.
This process forces your liver and immune system to work overtime, so to speak, fighting these toxins. Meanwhile, you develop food sensitivities. Your liver becomes stressed and you don't absorb nutrients. You develop symptoms of bad digestion and you feel lethargic. In short, your health takes a nosedive. And the cycle repeats.
And the colon cleansers you've heard about? They're laxatives, and harsh ones at that, which blast your colon and alter the delicate balance of micro-flora within the gut. You want to revitalize your colon, not kill it. But that's what many systems do.
We've designed Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse to do what most systems don't – that is, revitalize your colon, detoxify your body and treat bad digestion. In other words, restart your system, for your health and well-being.
In step one, we walk you through the ten day "cleanse". Remember that your colon is extremely sensitive and doesn't react well to ongoing use of laxatives. The Intensive Colon Cleanse daily supplement is specifically formulated to calm the delicate lining of the GI tract with probiotics and high-quality fibers that relieve the discomfort of bad digestion.
Step two consists of the Maximum Digestion Probiotic daily supplement. This is a strain of ten probiotic microbes – the "friendly" bacteria that restore balance in the gut and soothe symptoms of bad digestion. Good-bye gas, diarrhea and constipation.
When you've completed the ten day cleanse, we start your digestion maintenance program with the Daily Digestion Support once-a-day fiber and nutrient supplement. Formulated with a series of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, including the super-food "chia", this further aids in reduced inflammation and promotes healthy ongoing digestive function.
Less pain and discomfort. Fewer symptoms of bad digestion. Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is safe and effective. And that restart? You just did it, and you feel like a new person.
that's specifically formulated to reduce inflammation of the GI tract. And it should come with probiotics, either within the system or as an optional supplement. If the latter's the case, you'd do well to take that option.
Your choices remaining? All things point to Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse.

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