How Vaginal Stimulation Creams Work

So far, it's mostly men's sexual pleasure and health that's been addressed both by prescription drugs and the burgeoning all-natural supplement sector. Fortunately, a few companies are paying attention to women's needs, and have developed stimulating creams that not only lube but also boost a woman's sensitivity and ability to orgasm more powerfully.

These work by means of the innovative transdermal delivery system. By combining botanical extracts and therapeutic nutrients with natural skin permeation enhancers such as olive squalane, important ingredients can cross the lipid barrier of the epidermis. The result is greatly enhanced sexual sensations in a woman's body.
Some creams and 'natural' products on the market contain ingredients that have well-recognized health hazards associated with their use; the best choice is a sexual enhancement cream that does not contain harsh chemicals, synthetic preservatives, or artificial fragrances or color.
The exact herbal and all-natural formulation of different women's creams varies a great deal. However, it's important that, no matter which product you choose, you pay attention to the details: is the product developed by professionals or naturopaths who have experience in helping women attain ideal sexual and reproductive health? Is there research or documented findings of scientists and herbalists? How have they pinpointed the optimum natural ingredients for clitoral arousal, erection and sensitivity? One we found that meets the criteria for a great, effective women's cream is Vigorelle™. The makers of Vigorelle™ have developed a formula with ingredients combined in the optimal proportions to improve all sexual stimulation. They have created the opportunity for a woman to achieve orgasm, and have implemented revolutionary technology in L-Arginine HCL, responsible for fast, effective absorption of key herbal ingredients into the female lymphatic system. Vigorelle™ also contains powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C for optimum health and nutrition.
Here are some of the ingredients in an effective women's topical preparation, along with their effects in the body:
  • Damiana Leaf - Folium Turneraceae
    Herb from the subtropics that counteracts chronic loss of sexual power. Damiana has a reputation as a powerful woman's herb with its progesteronic action and powerful aphrodisiac properties. It acts as a tonic to the central nervous system, urinary, reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems. Damiana is also useful in the treatment of vaginal dryness.

  • Suma Root - Radix Pfaffiae Paniculatae
    Suma root contains an amazing 152 identified compounds containing the nutritive value of 19 amino acids and many minerals and vitamins. Suma is an excellent natural neuroendocrine restorative, metabolic regulator, antioxidant and immune enhancer. Suma restores the endocrine and immune systems, and also increases estrogens and androgens.

  • Motherwort - Herba Leonori
    Motherwort is known as a true woman's remedy. This wonderful herb is a uterine tonic that contains alkaloids with the ability to produce uterine contraction. Motherwort is reputed to release tension caused by emotional and mental stress.

  • Wild Yam - Rhizoma Dioscorea Villosae
    Wild Yam is also called Mexican Wild Yam or Colic Root. Balances human hormone production, enhances a woman's sexual energy. Wild Yam also contains diosgenin, a steroid-like substance that when used in small doses in its natural form, increases fertility.

  • Ginkgo Biloba
    Increases moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin, and soothes irritation. Improves circulation and vasodilation. Ginkgo is also an antioxidant useful against free radicals, substances that damage cellular health and accelerate aging from both internal and environmental toxins. Gingko leaf it is one of the best herbs available for promoting blood flow and oxygenation throughout the entire body.

  • Peppermint Leaf - Folium Menthae Piperitae
    Helps the absorption of other substances through cell membranes, induces natural lubrication, invigorates the mind, improves the mood and relaxes a tension-filled, anxiety-ridden nervous system.
As you search for the best women's cream, seek a smooth topical cream packaged in a vacuum sealed pump dispenser by an FDA approved facility GMP (good manufacturing practices) certification. Also consider looking for these features:
  • Developed for those who are chemically sensitive and/or health conscious.
  • Contains no petrochemical byproducts, artificial colors, flavors and fragrances.
  • No propylene glycol and metha or proply paraben.
  • Condom compatible.
  • Water based.
  • pH Balanced.
  • Edible non-toxic pleasant flavor.
  • Formula that caters to woman's varying needs.
  • Easy-to-use pump for dispensing.
  • Can be reactivated by water or body fluids.
  • Easy to wash off.
Whether you are a woman buying the product for yourself, or a man obtaining it for a partner, insist on the best, highest-quality product. That means accepting that quality (especially organic) herbal ingredients cost more. Once you sample the benefits of these products we're sure you'll agree; it's worth it! If you are unsure of which product to try, we recommend Vigorelle™ for both its performance and the company's customer service.

Maximizing Your Orgasms

Just like in establishing a happy and secure romantic relationship, achieving a smooth and pleasure-filled sexual relationship requires an experimental and give-and-take understanding from you and your partner. Since it is a fact that sex plays a big part in building and founding a fulfilling relationship with your lover, having confidence in yourself as well as in your sexuality is important to have a smooth and gratifying sexual bond with someone.
Yes, sex is a pleasurable and very intimate act that is shared by two people, but very few couples truly enjoy it. According to scientific studies, women rarely achieve orgasm when they have sex with their partners. Not always achieving orgasm on the part of the women does not mean, though, that they do not enjoy sex.
Now, if you rarely achieve the peak of your pleasure every time you have sex, you probably do not know how to maximize your orgasm. You see, the pinnacle pleasure of having sex is not achieved at just one click of your finger. You can also not put the burden of experiencing orgasm to your partner, for it still depends on your body's sexuality and responses. There are, however, a number of ways on how to maximize and experience an overwhelming orgasm. You only need to cut yourself from your goal of experiencing it to actually have it.

The Need for Foreplay

To maximize your orgasm, you need to relax and just enjoy your intimate moment with your partner. Do not focus too seriously on achieving orgasm. If your mind is too preoccupied with thoughts and worries, the chances of reaching your sexual peak can outright dwindle. You should focus instead on your partner's body and how it connects and responds to yours. This way, you can concentrate more on the movements and sensations of your bodies. The true essence of sex is to feel, react, and enjoy.
During foreplay, especially if you have any problems with vaginal dryness, you may want to use a lubricant. Even better yet, try Vigorelle cream, a product speecifically designed for a women's pleasure. An all-natural cream, Vigorelle can help take you over the edge towards mind-blowing, explosive orgasms. On the heat of the moment, you and your partner tend to proceed to sex even without foreplay. Sometimes, the excitement of sex is so powerful it then leads to a quick sex, thus reducing the time for foreplay or to pass it eventually. Foreplay plays an essential part in reaching orgasm, for it can always bring you to a height of lasting pleasure. It involves teasing each other's bodies through fondling, kissing, and petting. In this moment, you'll feel an increased heart rate, sexual organ swelling, quicker breathing, and excessive lubrication. For you to experience a fulfilling orgasm, foreplay should not be forgotten or skipped when you are having sex with your partner.

Communicating Sexual Fantasies

Moreover, having a sexual fantasy is also a perfect way to maximize your orgasm. It is a proven fact that it is normal for any individual to have private thoughts and fantasies processing on their minds every time they have sex with their partners. Aside from having intense sexual fantasies, you can also try role-playing scenes with your beloved. This way, you will not only share and actually act out your fantasies with your special someone, but you will also enjoy and achieve extreme pleasure out of it.
Communicating with your partner is another important aspect of maximizing your orgasm. By simply sharing your sexual wants and desires with your partner, it is then easier for you and your partner to achieve sexual nirvana. Talking about the things you both want to do in bed will surely make your sexual bond even more fruitful and exciting. Women are the ones who usually initiate the talking. It is best to try discussing bed issues with male partners in a gentle and indirect way.

Self-induced Pleasure

Masturbation is also one of the best ways to learn how to achieve a powerful orgasm. Self-practice is oftentimes effective in determining your body's pleasure spots as you tend to familiarize yourself with your own sexuality. Remember that the more you get to achieve pleasure on your own the better chance you'll experience the same orgasmic state with your partner. Remember to use a little Vigorelle to aid lubrication and intensify your pleasure!
Vibrators work best on women as these heighten pleasure and desire in a no-pressure situation. The emphasis on using this type of equipment is to know what feels pleasurable and good for you. Men, meanwhile, can try other ways of masturbating to have a more fulfilling orgasm. Some men masturbate just to satisfy sudden sexual urges, not knowing that it can help them determine stronger and lasting pleasure points by experimenting with their strokes. In practicing masturbation strokes, men should learn to take their time and just savor the sensation.

Good Health, Maximum Pleasure

Being in the mood and having a positive sexual energy can ensure a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship with your partner. Since being healthy helps you in participating well in pleasure-filled sexual activities, it is important to keep your body always fit and strong. To maintain a healthy physique, you can try taking health supplement products that are formulated to boost energy levels and stabilize mood swings.
Overall, achieving or maximizing orgasm is not that difficult as most people thought so. What's more important is to try the most natural and easiest ways to discover your sexuality for it will eventually help you achieve a satisfying and exciting sexual relationship. Just enjoy, have fun, and never be embarrassed to share with your partner what excites you. Remember that sex with a beloved or trusted partner is supposed to be fun. Just let go of worries and take the time to relive the wonderful bond and feeling between you and your partner.         

Vigorelle and Sex For Senior Women

Throw out any preconceptions you have about seniors and desire. According to a new study, the senior sex drive is alive and kicking. In fact, if we're to believe the findings of a new study, it's thriving.
Admittedly, it's not a ground-breaking conclusion that people want more sex. And as the researchers expected, health took a bite out of the libido. Higher BMI, heart attacks, depression and arthritis were among the ailments that contributed to a decrease in sexual activity.
And there are challenges to sex among seniors, among which, vaginal dryness is an issue. Fortunately, there's a natural and effective remedy for that, in Vigorelle.
But it is encouraging to know that the sex drive marches forward, regardless of age. Take care of it and you'll be a sex-lovin' senior.

About the Study

The study, conducted as part of the Women's Health Initiative, consisted of 27, 357 women between 50 and 79. And as the researchers expected, sexual activity decreased with age.
Roughly half of the women in the survey reported having sex in the past year at the start of the study. That number was higher, at 70%, for women who were married or with a regular partner.
What the researchers didn't expect was that, of the women who reported dissatisfaction with their sex lives, 57% wanted more sex, not less.
The study is revolutionary in the sense that it's the first proof that women are not content with the lack of sex that often accompanies menopause. And this contradicts previous assumptions, among which that if vaginal dryness was an issue, desire would falter.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Has Little Impact

The study also illustrates that hormone replacement therapy has declined in popularity, and that it was not likely to increase frequency of sexual activity.
As the researchers noted, women who were on HRT at the start of the study reported higher levels of sexual frequency than those who were not. However, they were surprised to discover that the women assigned to take HRT as part of the study were not more likely to have regular sex as women taking placebo pills.
The researchers also noted that use of hormone replacement therapy has declined since the Women's Health Initiative - the same organization that conducted the study - released its findings in 2002 that combined progestin and estrogen therapy may come with significant health risks, including heart attacks, strokes and even breast cancer.

Gels: A Woman's Best Friend?

Another key finding of the study was that most of the women suffered from vaginal dryness. And yet, as many women avoided hormone pills, they either abstained from sex or simply had sex with discomfort.
And they noted that vaginal atrophy - loss of vaginal tissue and muscle tone - was an issue for many women with dryness. In a case of 'Use it or Lose it', the less a woman had sex, the greater loss of sexual function and enjoyment of sex.
Fortunately, while hormone pills have declined in popularity, vaginal creams are designed to treat dryness and make sex pleasurable. And among them, Vigorelle is a leader.
Unlike most drugstore lubricants, Vigorelle consists of natural ingredients, including l- arginine, ginkgo biloba and suma root. Designed for women with sensitive skin, Vigorelle comes with no harmful pharmaceuticals like nonoxynol-9. Water-based and condom-compatible, it's ideal for instant arousal.
What's more, Vigorelle is highly sensual. Add a little Vigorelle and OO LA LA.
Fighting dryness has never been more enjoyable and rarely as safe. Put some Vigorelle in your life, and going by the results of the study, you'll spend more time doing pleasurable things in bed than sleeping, whether you're 53 or 90!

Good Relationship, So-So Sex?

Only those who are idealistic and have high standards when it comes to relationships are the ones who believe that there really is a perfect guy for every woman. Perfect relationships only exist in fairy tales, and they rarely happen in the real world. In any romantic relationship, it is almost quite natural to have one or two things uncommon between two people, for these add to the effort of adapting to each other's personalities. No matter how good and smooth things are in a relationship, a flaw, one way or another, eventually arises.

Poor Sexual Bond

A perfect scenario for this problem is when you are going out with someone who is totally into you. He or she treats you well, gets along fine with your relatives and friends, and both of you have a lot of things in common. Your relationship is perfect, except for one thing: he or she is terrible in bed or is not trying hard to please you sexually. In fact, this issue is very common among romantic relationships. The women are usually the ones who often complain about this problem.
Even though sex with your trophy hubby is not as fulfilling as your relationship, ditching your partner is not always the best solution. Often in these kinds of relationships, sex issues are worth fixing to make the relationship work. Less-thrilling sex is not a good enough reason to give up a good relationship with your partner, but a so-so sex life is also an alarming issue that should never be taken for granted. Remember that a fulfilling sexual relationship is vital to the strength and foundation of any relationship.

The Sex Makeover

It is generally common in new or fresh relationships that both parties are still in the process of getting to know each other. This means that it is only typical that the sex part in the relationship is still a bit edgy. While some couples are lucky to have instant physical rapport, there are some unfortunate lovers who still need to get used to each other's sexual habits and preferences. If you and your hubby are among the unfortunate couples, do not panic. You will eventually get used to your partner, especially if both of you are serious on making things work in your relationship.
Communicating well with your partner is also another way to solve the sex issues within your relationship. Although pointing out one's shortcomings and inabilities in the bedroom is really hard to do, it is still advisable to talk about the problems they encounter in their relationship. Honestly admitting to your partner that you are not fully satisfied with his or her lovemaking may eventually lead you to discover that he or she is also not happy with you as a lover.
In talking about sex issues with your partner, explain your views in a calm and subtle way. Never criticize or say outright bad things about how terrible he or she is as a lover. You can try phrasing your issues in a compliment form. This way, you have clearly pointed out the problem without directly judging or criticizing him or her as a lover.
Meanwhile, showing how you wanted to be pleased in bed is also an effective way to solve the boring and monotonous sexual relationship you have with your partner. If you know the parts of your body where you want to be touched and kissed, try to do it first on your partner. Men, for instance, are likely to adapt well in this treatment, for they prefer to be shown what to do instead of being told. If your partner still fails to respond to this treatment, you can then show him or her how you want to be touched and pleasured in bed. If your partner is doing something that is painful or uncomfortable to you, tell him or her to immediately stop.
When your partner shows improvement, do not forget to give praises and make sure that he or she knows that you appreciate the effort. You can do this by showing pleasure with body language or by simply moaning and sighing every time your partner does something pleasurable.
Another way to really heat up your sensation and pleasure is by using a stimulation cream such as Vigorelle. An all-natural product without any side-effects, Vigorelle can heighten your pleasure and intensify sensation. So even if your partner's lovemaking is not spectacular, you can still experience spectacular sex with Vigorelle.

Frequency Does Matter

On the other hand, one of the best solutions to improve your sexual bond with your partner is to simply have more sex. You see, the more sex you have, the more you tend to get addicted to it. Also, the more frequent you and your partner make love, the better you'll get to know and discover each other's turn-ons and dislikes in bed.
However, if you and your partner barely even have time for a regular sex, aiming to have more heated bedroom sessions is indeed difficult. With this problem, the best solution is to schedule it. When you have scheduled your intimate bond with your lover, you will be able to ready yourself for the moment, both physically and mentally.
Furthermore, you can also try assessing the reasons why your near-perfect partner is such a disappointment inside the bedroom. As medical experts explain, less energy and vigor in participating in any sexual act can be attributed to stress, fatigue, and hormonal fluctuations. To deal with the problem, you can advise your partner to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, as well as exercising daily. If there is still no improvement, you can also recommend therapy sessions with a certified sex counsellor for you and your partner.
You should also assess if you too have issues that consequently contribute to the downturn of your sexual relationship with your beloved partner. As mentioned earlier, communication is an important aspect in a relationship, so it is best to also keep an open mind to what your partner wants you to know and understand. If both of you are honest and open enough to discuss the distressing sex issues in your relationship, things will work out eventually and improvements will surely follow.

Review of Vigorelle

You know great sex from the mediocre. The latter is a ho-hum experience that you simply endure. You pant, very slightly. You might think of Leno and who's on The Tonight Show. And when it's over, your partner collapses on your less-than-enthralled body and exclaims it's the best sex he's ever had.
Contrarily, great sex is loud, exhilarating, sheet-grasping, sweating, panting and an endless cacophony of pants, moans, squirms and sometimes religious screams that keeps the bedroom rocking and wakes up the neighbors.
Which kind of sex do you prefer? Maybe a more appropriate question might be, if you're getting sex, is it the what's-on-Leno-tonight kind or of the wake-up-the-neighbors variety?
If current studies bear weight, roughly half of women in the United States are not enthralled in the bedroom. Ten per cent have never orgasmed at all.

Enter Vigorelle

You're familiar with drugstore lubricants. But you might not be familiar with the harmful petrochemicals in many common lube products, including nonoxynol-9, which studies suggest, may increase risk of HPV infection.
Relax, you don't need to go down that road. Your solution is Vigorelle, a natural female enhancement gel for instant arousal and maximum pleasure.
Natural female enhancement? Yup, it's true. Nature's full of surprises, with herbals and botanicals like ginkgo biloba, suma root and damiana leaf that increase blood flow to the genitalia. Do they work? There's a reason why these ingredients have been used for thousands of years - they squeeze the most intense, wildest and pleasurable orgasms this side of Neptune out of the human anatomy.
And more good news: these same ingredients figure prominently in Vigorelle - a natural female enhancement gel and giver of orgasms that will have you gasping in pleasure.

Instant Arousal

Female libido pills have their place. But for instant and measurable gratification, turn to Vigorelle.
You know how sometimes your partner wants to play but you're just not in the mood? A lube can solve that problem. But for safety and comfort, you're better off with a natural enhancement gel. The leader of which, Vigorelle, employs a transdermal delivery system. Add Vigorelle and you're wet within sixty seconds. Want more? Add more. Vigorelle is a fast and convenient way to increase your pleasure.
We know we don't have to encourage you to apply Vigorelle because we know you'll love the warm, tingly sensations that arouse and spread throughout your private parts.
Need we say more? If we do, it might be out of your concern that you might get wet but don't achieve that glorious orgasm. Not to worry, Vigorelle can help with that too. With increased lubrication comes increased desire. Every touch, each stroke, is exemplified, and brings you closer to that moment where, you just know, you'll orgasm like you've never before. In an amazing way.

Invest in Your Sex Life

Let's be honest here - if your partner is having problems in the bedroom, everything stops. He's well-looked after. But yourself? That's on you.
That ugly number again, up to ten per cent of women in the United States have never experienced the joy of orgasm. Thank you stress, finances, careers, physiology and the demands of life that tug away and eat at the female sex drive and her enjoyment of what goes on behind closed doors.
Enough already! With Vigorelle, you have no excuse not to explore your desire and climax the way you're meant to. No sticky lubes, no dangerous petrochemicals. Just you and him and Vigorelle and the best sex of your life. No partner? No problem. Vigorelle works wonders solo as well. In fact, given you know your desires better than anyone, there's nothing wrong with a little self-pleasuring. Wink.
Try Vigorelle. Do it for your health, your happiness and an orgasm to die for. Actually, do it for the multiple orgasms you'll squeeze out, and the smile you'll be sporting from ear-to-ear. In other words, the way sex is supposed to be.

Sexual Enhancement Cream for Women FAQs

How do sexual enhancement creams for women work?

The cream is applied to the woman's genital area, specifically the underside of the clitoral hood, allowing the active ingredients to directly stimulate the tissue surface.
Once applied, the cream improves blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels around the clitoris, greatly enhancing sensitivity and arousal. Although response time varies with each individual woman and with the specific product chosen, the effects tend to develop more rapidly with sexual stimulation through touching, rubbing, and licking in the clitoral area.

Are the effects noticeable immediately?

Yes, most products, especially Vigorelle™, immediately increase sensations. Not only does the product work right away, but with continued use, a woman's responses should become even more intense.

I used to have a strong sex drive and much more sensitivity, but over the years this has diminished. What's going on? Would a women's enhancement cream help?

Women naturally undergo many hormonal, physical and even attitudinal changes during their lifetimes that can affect sexual response. Good overall health and a concerted effort to reduce stress can be helpful, but adding enhancement creams to the sexual routine will provide a significant impact to any woman. Users of the Vigorelle™ brand of female enhancement cream report excellent restoration of youthful sexual intensity, and experiences that are new and exceptionally conducive to orgasm.

Are there any side effects with these products?

With high-quality products, the answer is no. You should check to see that the cream you're choosing is 100% all natural with no propylene glycol or methyl paraben substances. Quality creams are safe and natural, and work through direct application to the skin. Since they are not pills or powders that must be ingested, there's no incidence of gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, it is always wise to sample products like this with a small dosage before using it on a larger scale. If no irritations develop during the test, you should be good to use the product as directed.

How do I know which product to try?

You can investigate the ingredients and the method of manufacture (look for safe, certified pharmaceutical-grade facilities). Also, you should go with a reputable company that's been around a while and has a large number of satisfied customers. Our testing showed Vigorelle™ to be the best product in this category, though product choice is essentially yours.

Are female sexual enhancement creams expensive?

Prices vary by manufacturer. However, it's good to keep in mind that you get what you pay for -- and in this category of products, we'd advise shopping by criteria other than price alone. Companies that use only top-quality essential active ingredients obviously cost more to make, consequently have to charge more for their products.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable... Take extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend Vigorelle™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

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