About IBS Relief System

If you've got ongoing gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements, you've probably got irritable bowel syndrome.
If that's the case, you've got company. Some estimates suggest that 15% of Americans suffer from this condition. Most often they're women between 30 and 60, and it's not uncommon for IBS to strain relationships, careers and the well-being of those it affects. Some people with IBS require two hours to get ready for work in the morning.

IBS: A Common Problem

Science hasn't pin-pointed a cause for this common disorder but there are several factors that increase risk of IBS. Infection of the gastrointestinal system, prolonged fever, and surprisingly, anxiety and depression all play a role in development of IBS.
Having said these things, IBS appears more common in countries whose diets emphasize spicy foods. Almost fifty per cent of the population of Mexico complains of IBS symptoms. Forty- three per cent of Brazilians experience IBS symptoms as do 34% of Pakistanis.

The Solution

Digestive Science IBS Relief System is a natural, three-step process to reduce the pain and discomfort of IBS and to bring some semblance of a normal life to those who struggle with this common problem.
Our understanding of IBS has made significant strides in recent years. Among them, that lack of hydrochloric acid, inflammation of the GI tract, stress and unbalanced microflora of the gut can all trigger IBS symptoms.
To that end, IBS Relief System is a comprehensive therapy for people with IBS, consisting of the ColoBalance IBS Support supplement for pain reduction, the Maximum Digestion Probiotic to restore harmony to the gut and the Daily Digestion Support fiber and nutrient supplement with the super-food chia.

What Makes IBS Relief System So Effective

Make no mistake, it's important to avoid your triggers. Stress, problem foods, lack of exercise and an absence of fiber are among the more common causes of IBS.
However, in many cases, it's not enough to simply avoid triggers. As most patients will tell you, chronic IBS is persistent, often regardless of lifestyle, and it's therefore essential to hit IBS at the root.
And that's what IBS Relief System does. With gentle natural laxatives, like psyllium husk, ten strains of probiotics - the "friendly" bacteria of the gut and chia seed, you'll find a variety of beneficial vitamins and nutrients that nurture the GI tract and calm a troubled tummy.

For Natural, Long-Term Relief From IBS

We wouldn't offer IBS Relief System if it wasn't safe for the vast majority of IBS patients.
We're not your doctor, and therefore don't know your medical history. If you're pregnant, nursing or planning to get pregnant, IBS Relief System is not recommended while expecting. And if you have food allergies or are concerned of interactions with existing medications, print a copy of the ingredients and show them to your doctor.
That said, Digestive Science takes your health very seriously. All products are manufactured at facilities in the United States and in adherence with strict cGMP compliance.
You can expect significant relief from your IBS in as little as 30 days. Be aware, however, that the factors that led to you IBS didn't form over-night. Plan on IBS Relief System for at least 90 days to re-establish the balance of your digestive functions, with ongoing usage for best results.
Given that stress, dietary deficiencies and other factors that cause IBS can quickly build up in patients prone to IBS, it's advisable to make IBS Relief System the basis of your long-term plans for relief and ongoing comfort and well-being. Safe and effective, IBS Relief System brings relief from IBS and happiness to those it affects.

Digestive Science IBS Relief Support Treats the Causes of IBS

Did you know that it's not uncommon for people with irritable bowel syndrome to spend two hours each morning getting ready for work?
These same people often drive a specified route each morning on which they've mapped out multiple rest rooms along the way for fear their IBS symptoms will act up while they're in the car.
That's a sad state to be in. But for an estimated 20% of Americans, it's part of their daily ritual. And if you're wondering why IBS targets some people and spares others, very often it's for reasons you might not suspect.
Fortunately, you can reduce and even eliminate IBS and its awful symptoms with Digestive Science IBS Relief System. Details forthcoming! First, let's look at the causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Then, we'll look at the solution.

The Causes You've Heard About

Be aware that it's not uncommon to have sporadic symptoms of IBS. We can all relate to them on occasion, including gas, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating and irregular bowel movements.
You should also be aware that IBS can be a highly individual disorder, with triggers and causes that set off symptoms in one patient yet spare another.
Having said that, some factors appear more influential than others in causing IBS. Among the causes that are commonly linked to IBS are:
  • poor diet
  • trigger foods
  • lack of exercise
  • absence of fiber
And these are valid points. Each of these factors play a role not only in digestive health, but overall health levels and quality of life.
The thing is, if you've had IBS for a while, you know there's more at play than these lifestyle factors. If IBS has been a problem for most of your life, chances are there are more serious problems lurking in your digestive system. And they need to be treated.

What You May Have Overlooked

Lack of Stomach Acid - The digestive system can be a finicky creature. Too much hydrochloric acid can cause problems like acid reflux. Yet if there's not enough acid in your stomach, a variety of problems occur, including food allergies, constipation and diarrhea and infections in the gastrointestinal tract.
Inflammation of the GI Tract - Your digestive system is easily inflamed by factors including antibiotics, allergies, drugs and yeast infections. That's not a pleasant place to visit, because inflammation of the GI tract is linked to food intolerances, fatigue, irritability, even poor skin condition. And of course, the constipation and gas and symptoms of IBS.
Imbalanced Bacteria in the Gut - Your digestive system likes balance, and the "friendly" bacteria of the gut synthesize vitamins, assist the immune system and eliminate dangerous bacteria like salmonella. And when the bad bacteria take over, problems ensue, ranging from IBS symptoms to weight gain, chronic pain and even cancer.
None of this is encouraging news for people who suffer from IBS. But not to worry. Remember that good news we talked about? Here it is.

Digestive Science IBS Relief System Brings Real Relief

Put those traditional IBS medicines down. They might bring temporary relief, but they don't treat these overlooked causes of IBS. Digestive Science IBS Relief System does. Here's how:
ColoBalance IBS Support - You've got IBS. You want relief. The ColoBalance IBS Support supplement provides it, with a daily supplement of natural nutrients, minerals, enzymes and fibers to bring immediate relief from the pain of IBS, with a healthy balance of hydrochloric acid production and digestive enzymes. Gentle, yet effective, and the first step to treating the causes of your IBS.
Maximum Digestion Probiotic - The friendly bacteria in your gut are looking for reinforcements. You give it to them, with the Maximum Digestion Probiotic. Less gas. Less bloating. More relief from the constipation and diarrhea. You're feeling better.
Daily Digestion Support - A once-a-day daily fiber and nutrient supplement that's strategically formulated with the super-food "chia", here's where we give you the tools for ongoing digestive health and relief from your IBS. We've packed antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals to reduce inflammation of the GI tract and ensure healthy, happy digestion.
Do you see a pattern here? We think you do. Digestive Science IBS Relief System treats the causes of IBS, the well-known triggers and the often overlooked reasons for IBS, and brings lasting, healthy relief!

How to Minimize IBS

Ask anyone with irritable bowel syndrome and they'll tell you it's more than an inconvenience. IBS is a disorder of the gastrointestinal system that causes pain and discomfort. In extreme cases, IBS can ruin careers and strain relationships. In some people, the gut is truly evil.
IBS is more than just a stomach that won't sit. Irritable bowel syndrome is a collection of symptoms that relate to the GI tract, including:
  • abdominal pain
  • bloating
  • gas
  • diarrhea
  • constipation

Relief (!)

Fortunately, while it may seem like IBS is inevitable in those it affects, it doesn't have to be that way. There are steps you can take to minimize IBS and the impact it has on your life. And at the forefront? Digestive Science IBS Relief System, scientifically formulated to soothe an angry GI system.
That's good news for people with IBS, who can attest that relief from IBS can be hard to find! More on that to come. First, let's review how to minimize IBS, and where IBS Relief System figures in the framework of an effective strategy to treat IBS.

IBS Trigger Foods

IBS is a highly individual disorder, and what triggers problems in one patient may have no effect on another. Having said that, some foods are notorious for causing IBS symptoms, and if any foods are going to cause problems, it's these guys:
Dairy products – Dairy is an important source of calcium and vital nutrients, but for people who are lactose intolerant, they're a first class ticket to cramping and diarrhea. Lactose is a sugar found in most dairy products, by the way, and people who are lactose intolerant can't digest it.
What to avoid: milk, cheese, ice cream
Try these instead: soy milk, almond milk, goat cheese
Whole grains – Another irony of nutrition, the benefits of fiber are far-reaching and well-known, but some forms of insoluble fiber can trigger symptoms in IBS patients and for people with Celiac's disease.
What to avoid: wheat, rye, barley
Try these instead: rice (basmati or brown), millet, quinoa, amaranth
Raw fruits – Are they healthy? Yes – but raw fruits can cause issues for people with IBS and some should be avoided.
What to avoid: melons (watermelon and canteloupe), citrus fruits
Try these instead: cooked or canned fruits, or experiment with different raw fruits (apples might be safer)
Drinks – America's love affair with the soft drink doesn't sit well in people with IBS, especially if you're prone to bloating and gas.
What to avoid: coffee and caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks (especially red wine), diet sodas
Try this instead: kefir, an ancient fermented milk drink that's low in lactose, and like yogurt, may ease symptoms of IBS

About Digestive Science IBS Relief System

Any strategy to treat IBS should incorporate Digestive Science IBS Relief System, as it's a comprehensive and natural relief therapy with the latest in digestive research.
Remember that symptoms of IBS can be highly unique and with degrees of severity. IBS Relief System is formulated to treat the causes of IBS rather than just symptom reduction, and brings relief to a broad range of IBS patients, from mild cases to the most extreme.
IBS Relief System includes the ColoBalance IBS Support for pain relief, Maximum Digestion Probiotic to reduce harmful bacteria like salmonella, and a Daily Digestion Support fiber and nutrient supplement with the super-food chia. The first step brings instant relief. The latter two treat the causes of IBS, for ongoing, lasting relief.
Digestive Science IBS Relief System brings peace to patients with irritable bowel syndrome. And combined with the tips outlined in this article, makes life substantially more enjoyable to those with IBS!

End Tummy Trouble With IBS Relief System

Oh the nastiness of tummy trouble. You know how it goes, with the discomfort that starts in the stomach. Then the pain and the runs to the bathroom. And then it starts again.
Irritable bowel syndrome sucks all around. Symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain. And let's not forget the discomfort and the embarrassment of IBS.
But beyond that, IBS has serious consequences, to your health, your well-being, your life. And you've heard the remedies, like healthy diet, avoidance of trigger foods and regular exercise. These are good points. But if you suffer from chronic IBS, as an estimated 45 million Americans do, chances are you're swatting at symptoms while the triggers of your IBS are left untreated.
Relax, we gotcha covered. Digestive Science IBS Relief System is a comprehensive three-part natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Strategically formulated with the latest digestion research, it's an effective way to treat the causes of IBS and bring real, lasting relief where it's so desperately needed.
More on that in a moment. First, be aware that most IBS patients try the healthy diets, exercise programs and fiber supplements that doctors commonly prescribe to reduce IBS symptoms. Yet in people with chronic IBS, the symptoms persist. The reason? There are several actually, but pop the hood on IBS and you'll find they include:
Lack of Hydrochloric Acid – Too little stomach acid is linked to digestion problems, including improper digestion of proteins, allergic reactions, poor mineral absorption and bacterial infections.
Inflammation of the Gastrointestinal Tract – This can start a vicious cycle in which toxins "leak"from the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream. This in turn can lead to food sensitivities, poor liver function, constipation, diarrhea and gas.
Stress – Yes it's true, stress is inextricably linked to IBS. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter linked to sleep and feelings of well-being. An estimated 95% of serotonin receptors are located in the intestinal tract. Research suggests that stress can reduce levels of serotonin and trigger pain in the gut.
Imbalanced Microflora – There's a delicate balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria that occur naturally in the gut. When the bad microflora take over, they trigger a variety of digestion problems, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.
These common triggers of IBS pack a wallop on your digestive system and wreak havoc on your comfort and – dare we say it? - even your life and those around you. And that's why we created Digestive Science IBS Relief System. To soothe the delicate constitution of your digestive system and relieve the pain, reduce the causes of IBS and keep it away.
Here's how we do it:
Pain Relief – Most people with chronic IBS will tell you that more than anything, they want relief. We're going to give it to you, with the Colobalance IBS Support, a daily supplement of minerals, enzymes, herbals and fibers that give immediate, yet gentle relief to your pain and discomfort.
Restore Balance in Your GI Tract – Our Maximum Digestion Probiotic is ten strains of probiotic microbes – the "friendly" bacteria that assist in vitamin synthesis and eliminate dangerous bacteria like Salmonella. Better immune function, better digestive function and fewer symptoms of IBS.
Optimize Your Long-Term Digestive Health – The Daily Digestion Support is a once-a-day fiber and nutrient supplement formulated with a series of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and the superfood "chia". Combined, these ingredients fortify the body with the nutrients required for good digestive function and reduce inflammation of the GI tract.
Digestive Science believes that IBS Relief System will bring relief to your IBS symptoms and reduce the triggers that cause this debilitating condition. Peace to your mind, peace to your gut. And with that, a long-absent sense of well-being.

The Probiotics of IBS Relief System

What's the worst part of your IBS? Is it the pain and discomfort? Diarrhea or constipation? Name your pleasure, IBS is uncomfortable at best and life-altering at worst. Is there relief? Yes. Perhaps you've heard of it.
Probiotics have made the rounds recently in health circles for their ability to soothe the digestive system and greatly reduce and even eliminate symptoms of IBS. And notably, probiotics play an important role in the success of Digestive Science IBS Relief System and how it brings relief to thousands of patients with this debilitating condition.

About Probiotics

Probiotics are a generic term for beneficial live micro-organisms that occur naturally in the gut. They're often called "friendly" bacteria because they restore balance between beneficial microflora and the "bad" bacteria that can cause a variety of digestive problems.
Notably, probiotics may reduce symptoms of IBS, including diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. As well, probiotics may reduce a series of other health issues, including stomach ulcers, infections of the urinary tract, acne and even eczema in children.
Don't confuse probiotics with prebiotics. While they sound similar and they work synergistically, the latter are non-digestible ingredients in food that optimize the body for probiotic growth and function.
Synbiotics are a combination of prebiotics and probiotics.

How Probiotics Reduce IBS

IBS can occur when there's an abundance of harmful bacteria in the digestive system. That's not a good thing, because some of these dangerous bacteria, like salmonella, can inflame the GI tract and interfere with its ability to absorb and synthesize vital nutrients. These bad bacteria can also trigger the symptoms we associate with IBS – the pain, the discomfort. And you know the others.
Probiotics restore balance to the GI tract and reduce the harmful bacteria that can cause IBS. They're also proven to boost function of the immune system and reduce inflammation and allergic reactions, both in the gut and within the body as a whole. Probiotics may even reduce asthma, hay fever and a series of skin ailments.

Why You Should Treat IBS With IBS Relief System

There are many, many different strains of probiotics, available in food and with dietary supplements. And yet, while probiotics show immense potential in the fight against IBS and health ailments in general, there are issues of dosage and choosing the right foods with probiotics to reduce IBS symptoms and bring peace to your gut.
IBS Relief System does that work for you, with ten strains of friendly microbes – specifically from the lactobacillus and bifidobacterium groups – to reduce levels of harmful bacteria and treat the symptoms of your IBS.
Why these two? They're among the best to treat IBS. Our researchers have painstakingly studied probiotics and how they interact with the dangerous microbes that can cause IBS symptoms. And they've strategically placed them in ideal concentrations to fight harmful bacteria and restore balance to the microflora of your intestines.
That's not to say there aren't other strains of probiotics that won't work just as well and in different doses. But it does mean that these microbes have shown the most promising results, at these doses, with the largest group of IBS patients.
Combine that with the ColoBalance IBS Support supplement and the Daily Digestion Support fiber and nutrient supplement formulated with the super-food "chia", and we think that Digestive Science IBS Relief System is the most effective treatment for IBS on the market today. And we think you'll agree that it will reduce your symptoms of IBS and bring peace to your gut, and harmony to your life.

IBS Relief System is a Comprehensive Solution

Irritable bowel syndrome can ruin your day, with symptoms that are embarrassing at best and torture at worst. And it's not cool that some people go about that pain and discomfort with those runs to the bathroom while others just glide through life with nary a gastrointestinal worry in the world.
We got news for ya – that's life for millions of Americans, many of whom spend upwards of two hours each morning to get ready for work. They've tried the IBS medicines, but the symptoms persist. Constipation, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain. More runs to the bathroom. Symptoms made worse. Yup, that's how it is for many of us.

Relief From IBS

Well, we have something that should put a smile on your face: relief from IBS. A safe, natural solution for IBS that succeeds where traditional IBS treatments do not. How's that? If you've got chronic IBS you know that most IBS medicines come with nasty side effects and aren't safe for long-term use.
The good news? Digestive Science IBS Relief System. Yes, long-term relief from IBS, designed with the latest in digestive research and medical studies to treat the causes of IBS and bring lasting relief with safe and natural ingredients.
Here's the goods on symptoms of IBS, the medicines commonly prescribed to treat them, and why IBS Relief System is your best bet in long-term treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.


IBS Medicine: Anti-diarrheals
What It Does: Anti-diarrheals slow intestinal movements, which allows stool to stay in the intestine longer, where it absorbs water and solidifies for easier passage.
The Problem: Anti-diarrheals are not recommended for long-term use and come with side effects including dry skin, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. Anti-diarrheals should not be used by patients with inflammatory bowel disease or those with blood in their stool.
Your Play: The psyllium husk in the Colobalance IBS Support daily supplement is a natural alternative to laxatives and is often recommended to treat diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. Psyllium husk has soothing properties and is even prescribed to treat hemorrhoids and patients after anal surgery.


IBS Medicine: Osmotic laxatives
What It Does: Osmotic laxatives, such as Milk of Magnesia, draw fluids from blood vessels and surrounding tissues into the intestine, to soften stool and make it easier to pass.
The Problem: Ongoing use of laxatives can cause rectal bleeding and often make symptoms worse. Moreover, laxatives can cause dependence and are not recommended for indefinite use.
Your Play: Magnesium, found in the Colobalance IBS Support supplement, may perform the same functions as traditional laxatives but without the adverse side effects. Magnesium is also linked to reduction in risk of heart attack and might even prevent osteoporosis.

Pain and Cramping

IBS Medicine: Antispasmodics
What It Does: Antispasmodics relax the smooth muscles of the gut, which can relieve cramping in the intestines.
The Problem: These common treatments can cause drowsiness and make constipation worse. More notably, antispasmodics can make it impossible to urinate.
Your Play: Probiotics, the "friendly bacteria" that occur naturally in the gut, restore balance to the intestinal microflora and reduce the "bad bacteria" that can cause infections, gas, constipation and abdominal pain. You can supplement your body with ten strains of probiotics with the Maximum Digestion Probiotic supplement in, you guessed it, IBS Relief System.


Contrary to most IBS medicines, IBS Relief System is an ongoing solution to irritable bowel syndrome and comes with no reported side effects. And in the continuing struggle for peace to your insides, that's a blessing. IBS Relief System gives relief, digestive health and hope to patients with irritable bowel syndrome and calms where once there was pain.

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